Current Weather at:
Amity, Oregon
60.3 °F
SSE at 0.0 mph
Today's Rain
0.00   in
Yearly Rain
17.52   in
Soil Moisture 2 at 1 ft*
200 cb
Soil Moisture 1 at 3 ft*
200 cb
*measured in centibars (cb) on a scale of 0-200,
0 being wet and 200 being completely dry.

Today's Highs/Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

83.0 °F    at   5:31p

53.2 °F   at    6:32a

High Wind Speed

13.0   mph    at   2:03p

Current Outside Temperature Today's Rain Yearly Total Rain Current Soil Moisture 2 Current Soil Moisture 1
Outside Temp History Rain History
Soil Moisture 2 History Soil Moisture 1 History